Do you have questions about our service?

You can find answers to many frequently asked questions in our FAQ. If we have not yet answered your question there, please contact us.

Contact channels:

Deutsche Aidshilfe

Wilhelmstraße 138, 10963 Berlin

Phone:  03069008791

You can reach us at s.a.m health by discreet SMS: +49 1573 5994380

Or you can send us an e-mail to the following address:

Please always include your name in your message and a telephone number when contacting us by e-mail. This way we can reach you if we have any questions. A member of our team will respond to your request as soon as possible.

We will treat your personal data and all communications with the utmost care and confidentiality.

Consultation and test results

Would you like to arrange a consultation or do you have questions about your test results? Then please contact the s.a.m health partner checkpoint you have selected. The contact details have already been sent to you by SMS.


General questions about s.a.m health

For general questions about s.a.m health and our innovative HIV & STI testing services, please contact the s.a.m health team at Deutsche Aidshilfe.


Change your profile

Would you like to make changes to your reminder or subscription frequency or do you have a new address? Then please contact the s.a.m health team by SMS.

Our locations across Germany:

Our local partners at Deutsche Aidshilfe are on hand to provide you with this advice. Even with reactive or positive test results, your partner checkpoint will go through all the next steps with you and support you according to your needs. When registering, choose the partner checkpoint that is geographically closest to you so that you can also take advantage of a personal consultation and local support if required.

Sexuelle Gesundheit. Dein Weg.

Unser diskretes Versandtestkit bietet Labortests auf HIV, Syphilis, Tripper (Gonorrhö) und Chlamydien.