Developed through the expertise of the German AIDS service organization

Thanks to the many years of experience of the German AIDS service organization and the partner checkpoints of the AIDS service organizations, we can offer you an innovative STI test kit. This covers the four sexually transmitted diseases most in need of treatment. Together with our medical officer, we regularly provide you with new exciting content in our blog about STIs and sexual health.

What is so special about s.a.m health?

The STI test kit was developed with great care by the German AIDS Service Organization and Viiv Healthcare. What makes us so special now?

The focus is on your sexual identity and orientation!

We know that the world is colorful, queer and diverse. And that’s exactly how our advice is tailored to your needs.

You are never alone!

We are there for you before, during and after. Our service does not end with the STI home test, but accompanies you throughout the entire time.

You benefit from expert advice!

Our advisors are sex-positive and will advise you without any stigmatization.

Reminder function that adapts to your life

Once registered, it only takes a few seconds to request a new kit. And we will discreetly remind you of your next test by text message.

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This is how your STI test kit works


Online registration

Simply register on our website.


Advice from our test advice center

You will receive a free initial consultation in which you can ask all your questions and determine the optimal test cycle with your counselor from the AIDS service organization.


Sampling at home

Your STI test kit will be sent discreetly to your home. The sender does not allow any conclusions to be drawn about an STI test or the German AIDS service organization.


Sending the samples in the return envelope

You take your samples (detailed instructions are included with the STI test kit) and send them in the enclosed envelope.


Results by text message or telephone

If everything is negative, you will receive a text message from us with the information. If the results are positive, you will also receive a text message with a callback request. The advisor will then discuss with you how to proceed.


Receive your test kit every 3 / 6 / 12 months

Depending on the set interval, we will send a reminder text message for your next test kit. If you no longer wish to receive this or wish to suspend it, simply reply with “No test kit.”

Für uns ist der s.a.m-Gesundheitsdienst ein großer Schritt in der Ausweitung und Zugänglichkeit von HIV- und STI-Tests, der mit unseren Ansprüchen an medizinische Qualität, Information und Selbstbestimmung vereinbar ist.

Armin Schafberger | Former Medical Officer, German AIDS Service Organization

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