We are s.a.m health

Your discreet service for sexual health. Together with Deutsche Aidshilfe, Münchner Aidshilfe, Medizinisches Labor Nord and ViiV Healthcare, we have developed an offer so that you can promote your sexual health in a self-determined and confidential manner.

Sexual health as a reliable individual service

Why is sexual health important? Regardless of your sex life, we want you to be able to enjoy it with confidence and without hesitation. Regular testing for common sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is a key aspect of good sexual health. Our main goal is to reduce the spread of STIs and HIV in Germany through consistent testing. The s.a.m health mail order test kit contains tests for HIV, syphilis, gonorrhea and chlamydia.

For us, the s.a.m health service represents a huge step forward in the expansion and accessibility of HIV and STI testing services, which is compatible with our standards of medical quality, information and self-determination.

Armin Schafberger | Former Medical Officer, German AIDS Service Organization

STI test kit for home use

📲 Knowing your STI status is sexy

Who are we?


Nora is our SEO&SEA expert. She is responsible for the website and online banner advertising. She is also responsible for influencer collaborations. Would you like to cooperate with us? Write us a message to sam@dah.aidshilfe.de!


Patrick is our expert for all things public. He deals with press inquiries and public appearances. Thanks to Patrick, s.a.m is present at street festivals, CSDs and conferences, as well as on the social platforms. For press inquiries you can also contact Patrick via sam@dah.aidshilfe.de.


Sebastian is our project manager. His work includes securing funding for the project, drawing up and adhering to the budget and coordinating the checkpoints.


Holly is responsible for communicating with our checkpoints and the laboratory, answering your questions and sending out our test kits.

Conveniently test for HIV & STI at home with personal advice

Your benefit with s.a.m health

Combine the convenience of a home test with the reliability of a laboratory analysis and personal advice. Thanks to our network of partner checkpoints, we offer both initial telephone consultations and personal support from specialist medical staff. If necessary, we can put you in touch with specialized doctors in your area.

Flexibility to meet your needs

With our customizable reminder function, you can choose the test frequency that suits your lifestyle. After an initial consultation, s.a.m health will send you a convenient SMS reminder to order your new test kit.

Why do we test for these STIs?

We did not design our STI test kit without a strategy. Would you like to know why we test for exactly these sexually transmitted infections in our STI test kit? And not others? Then you’ve come to the right place in our article on what you should really test for!

Logo Medizinisches Labor

Sexuelle Gesundheit. Dein Weg.

Unser diskretes Versandtestkit bietet Labortests auf HIV, Syphilis, Tripper (Gonorrhö) und Chlamydien.